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File Format Specification Index



Basic Description

Windows 3.x displays a splash screen during startup. It is included in WIN.COM, which again is made out 3 source files. One of these source files is called VGALOGO.RLE.
There are also logo files for EGA and Hercules displays. How these are stored is not covered here. Actually, I just don't know.
Other files than ...LOGO.RLE with the .RLE extension are most likely in a different file format. Windows 95 uses SYS files

Basic File Format

Identical to Windows BMP , with these restrictions:
- It must be called VGALOGO.RLE
- It must be a 640x480 16-color picture
- It must be less then 60 kb
- It must be stored in 4-bit RLE format

Raster Data encoding

Windows BMP 4-bit RLE format.


Any BMP decoder will read this.

Trademarks, Patents and Royalties

To my knowledge: none.
(please read the disclaimer)

Cross-Checking Software

This section is for programmers, who wish to cross-check their implementation with others. This is an incomplete list of programs, which are available as freeware / shareware / try-before-buy etc.
The following software is able to decode RLEs::
  • MS-Windows itself, once the .RLE is converted to WIN.COM. (obviously not freeware)
  • any BMP decoder.
The following software is able to encode RLEs
  • any BMP encoder that supports 4bit RLE

Online Resources

- none -

Paper Resources

- none -


This is not the official format documentation. Although we're doing our best to keep this information as accurate as possible, there is no way of checking all of it under all possible circumstances. We're not taking any responsibility for the results of these information or lack thereof. The 'trademarks, patents and royalties' section is here just for your convenience, and is in no way complete. Please send us a note, if you find any incorrect of missing information.