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Ages! Board Ages! Questions Ages 2.04 won't load on HP laptop running Win8.1  


Ages 2.04 won't load on HP laptop running Win8.1

Beitrag9. Okt 2014, 08:22
I just bought a new HP laptop with Win8.1 and purchased a Ages 2 upgrade, because I bought Ages 1.4 for my old laptop. When I try to install 2.04, the language and type of installation window keeps popping back up ever couple seconds and won't go any further. I pick English and standard installation and the window goes away and then pops back a few seconds later and is stuck in a loop. I was able to load Ages1.53 with my old license key, but so far can't get 2.04 loaded with my new license key. Not sure what else to do, I have tried removing it and reinstalling it multiple times.

Re: Ages 2.04 won't load on HP laptop running Win8.1

Beitrag15. Okt 2014, 18:11
I am having the same problem. Managed to download but unable to install on my laptop running Win 8.1

But, it runs ok on mobile mode. And of course, the older version can be installed and loaded successfully.

Can anyone from Ages team or Daubnet team answer our question please...

Re: Ages 2.04 won't load on HP laptop running Win8.1

Beitrag18. Jun 2015, 18:51
I have the same problem. HP laptop with Windows 8.1 - Ages will not install.

Anyone found a solution yet?

Re: Ages 2.04 won't load on HP laptop running Win8.1

Beitrag7. Jul 2015, 22:51
I´ve got the same Problem with a new Notebook by Medion runnig with Windows 8.1.
