During my research regarding the trnslation the Ages! on other languages than German or English I found that some of items have no ID in lng files:
1. In every Lists or Charts -> Persons -> Content Persons subheader "Individuell" has no any ID and could not be translated.
2. In every "Field list" Words Prefix and Suffix and under their content:
words "Ohne" and "Benutzerdefiniert" - have no ID for translation.
3. From "Add media" from Scanner or Digital Camera - button with word "Weiter" - has no translation
4. All items of "Registration Form" have no ID for translation.
5. All Items of "About Daub Ages!" have no ID for translation.
I think that is not full list of items which has no ID... That are only what i found.
It would be a great if these items also could be translated to any language.
BTW, when you expect to publish new customizer with strings.ini files?
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