Re: REFN / INDI tags on charts
4. Jun 2013, 15:35
With "INDI"-numbers I assume you mean the cross reference identifiers of GEDCOM files (the ones that are enclosed in @-symbols).
Ages! does not store those numbers at all, and generates new numbers upon saving a file. As stated in the GEDCOM specification, those numbers are temporary in nature, and as such is not recommended to use those numbers for *any* other purpose such as storing or memorizing them elsewhere.
REFN numbers however are a different subject. As of version 2.0 Ages! now reads those and saves them to the file again when saving the file (there was a REFN related bug in versions prior to 2.0.3). Currently it is not displayed in the user interface. We're still discussing if displaying them would be a good idea.
It is possible to print all names on a chart, but there is no easy way to restrict them to just romanized versions. Thanks for the suggestion, I've put that on our feature tracker.